Thursday, December 10, 2009

Enable Disk Counters

How to enable disk counters in perfmon.?

If you are unable to load/see disk related performance counters in your system, you can use the command below.

DISKPERF [-Y[DV] -N[DV]] [\\computername]
-Y Sets the system to start all disk performance counters when the system is restarted.
-YD Enables the disk performance counters for physical drives when the system is restarted.
-YV Enables the disk performance counters for logical drives or storage volumes when the system is restarted.
-N Sets the system to disable all disk performance counters when the system is restarted.
-ND Disables the disk performance counters for physical drives.
-NV Disables the disk performance counters for logical drives.
file://computername/ Is the name of the computer you want to see or set disk performance counter use.
The computer must be a Windows 2000 system. NOTE: Disk performance counters are permanently enabled on systems beyond Windows 2000.

To Enable Disk Counters From Registry

1.Open a registry editor.

2.Navigate to: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Perfdisk\Performance

3.In the right pane, double-click Disable Performance Counters and set it to a value of 0. Alternatively, you can delete the Disable Performance Counters entry to re-enable the counters.

4.Exit the registry editor and restart any application that collects performance data for the change to take effect.

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