Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Breaking Administrator Password of Windows XP

As administrators we could have received multiple calls from laptop/home users saying that they have forgotten the Local Administrator Password and ask us to crack.
While there are many third party hacking /crack tools on net, below article helped me to do that without any of those.
Here is the article which explains in simple way to reset the password… Hope it would be useful to you sometimes in your operations…

Monday, February 20, 2012

Show The Current Date & Time In A Cell in Excel Sheet

At times you may want to include current date & time in a excel sheet. How do you do that automatically?

2 functions help us to do that
·         Today() – Inserts current date

This formula will only update when the worksheet is recalculated or when you reopen the workbook. That's usually not a problem since the date only changes once a day. Also, you may have to format the cell to give you your desired date format.

·         Now() – Inserts Current Date & Time

This formula gives you both the date and time in the same cell (i.e. 19-May-03 9:00pm), however, is less useful because the time in the cell won't change until your worksheet recalculates or when you reopen your workbook. If you just want the cell to display the time only, you'll have to change the number format by selecting Format, Cells, Number, Time, (select a desired time format), OK

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

PST Capture tool for Exchange 2010 from Microsoft

Announcing the Exchange Client Network Bandwidth Calculator Beta

Microsoft announced Exchange Client Network Bandwidth Calculator Beta which helps IT Administrators to plan for their Network Bandwidth.

What does it do?

The brief was concise and simple for this calculator; able to predict the client network bandwidth requirements for a specific set of users. The calculator needed to deal with Outlook, OWA and Mobile Devices, both on-premises and for Office 365 scenarios.
The following clients are included in this Beta; further clients will be added over time.
  • Outlook 2010
  • Outlook 2007
  • Outlook 2003
  • OWA 2010
  • OWA 2007
  • Windows Mobile
  • Windows Phone