Did you fail in any of the Microsoft Certification Exam?
Now you're lucky enough as you have a second chance to appear again at free of cost.
Retake an exam for free and save 15% on certification packs
Prove that you have the knowledge and skills in the most current and specialized technologies and solutions by earning a Microsoft Certification. Passing the exams needed to demonstrate those skills can be tough, but for a limited time, you’ll get a free second chance to succeed.
Here's how it works:
Please Note
For more details, go through the link http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/second-shot.aspx
Happy Learning !!!
Here's how it works:
- For Microsoft Certification packs: In addition to saving at least 15 percent on the cost of the certification exams, you get one free retake for each exam you don’t pass the first time.
- For single exams with Second Shot: If you fail your exam the first time you take it, you may use the same voucher for your retake exam.
Please Note
- You can only register for one exam at a time, and you cannot register for a second exam until you have taken the previous one.
- Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) commercial exams purchased through Prometric are eligible for Second Shot. MTA academic exams purchased through Certiport are not eligible for Second Shot.
- If you fail a beta (prefix 071) exam using your Second Shot voucher, Prometric will email your retake voucher code for the live (070) version within a week of receiving your beta results. This only applies to regular-priced individual technical exams, not certification pack exams.
For more details, go through the link http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/second-shot.aspx
Happy Learning !!!